Weather Tracking Printables
If you’re looking for fun learning activities for young children, you’re in the right place! Weather Tracking Printables is part of a multipart series covering my Preschool Circle Time Morning Board Printables. Scroll to the bottom of this page for a Table of Contents to explore all of the different printables needed to set up a Preschool Circle Time Morning Board at home.
An Easy Teaching Printable
One of the wonderful things about preschool activities is that they can be lots of fun! My three year old loves stickers and he loves blue tack even more. So what’s a mama to do when she wants to teach her little man about the weather? Yep, she creates these Weather Tracking charts with stickers!
Teach Preschoolers about Weather
These are super easy and fun to use. You can print multiple copies or print just one copy and laminate them. For the weather tracking that we are doing as a part of our morning board routine, I printed the pages on white card stock and laminated them. I then attached them to the morning board with blue tack. Blue tack almost never dries out, is non-toxic (in case our one-year-old accidentally eats some) and can be used over and over again.
Get Kids Excited About Learning
My three year old gets excited any time he gets to attach a weather card to a day of the week where we are tracking the wether. Preschool activities like this one are great for not only teaching my little guy about the weather, its also a great training for fine motor skills.
Once I printed, cut and laminated everything I started by showing my preschooler the cards one at a time. We talked about each picture and what it meant. Then we talked about the days of the week and we picked a picture that best represented the weather that had either already passed earlier in the week, or we looked up the weather predictions on Weather Underground for the days ahead.
Cute YouTube Video
YouTube also has some cute videos about whether, I’ve attached a link here. Just be careful with YouTube and make sure you always preview before you show your child – some folks like to include music on their videos that may include words you don’t want your little one to hear. I previewed this one – it’s safe.
Weather and Fun Stickers!
This is a picture of the weather cards for tracking. The stickers can also be used on the calendar printables that are a part of the Preschool Circle Time Morning Board Printables. Once you cut the stickers they’ll fit inside of the squares that denote a day of the month.
These are pictures of our blue tack, but you could also use double sided sticky tape, thumb tacks, magnets, velco, or something similar to create a weather tracking system to teach your preschooler about the weather at home.