I read your post. every. word.
I can’t tell you all the ways you’ve impacted me because I’m not even sure I can explain how, except to say:
Thank you for pouring a bit of yourself into this sleep-deprived mama’s life. I was reading your blog at 2 AM when my 3-month-old woke to feed in the middle of the night.
Or the time you made me laugh with that funny thing you wrote about being married to your opposite and I’d just wept over a disagreement that I had with my husband.
Or that post you wrote that gave me the courage I needed to try engaging more with my little ones at home even though I have no formal training in working with preschoolers.
Thank you, friend.
I think back to the time when you told me a story about how you allowed God to love on you; because I really needed it when my baby was in the neonatal intensive care unit.
Your blog posts poured into me when I was restless due to Braxton-hicks contractions, or when I was looking for ways to breathe new life into my relationships.
Thank you.
The bloggers who astound me and to whom I owe special thanks are:
– Bloggers who aren’t afraid to include their beliefs and faith in their blogging
– Bloggers who get personal and give you a glimpse into their homes and hearts
– Bloggers who reach out and build relationship – they e-mail you back, they leave comments
– Bloggers who host link parties or facebook groups and want to build community
God laid this word picture of “THANKS” on my heart and I thought I’d share it with you.
Your words are a healing balm to a weary and weathered world.
I encourage you to run the race with patient endurance ever mindful of the eternal prize. Throw off everything that hinders and the doubt that entangles (Hebrews 12:1).
I’d like to read more from your heart. every. word.
And know… you have my sincerest, deepest thanks.
In His Grip,
Monica Pruett is a Christian mommy blogger at HappyandBlessedHome.com. She’s the mother of two adorable boys and is married to her best friend Jimmy. Her passion is to be an encouragement to moms and she publishes free printables and crafts for preschoolers, devotionals for moms, and ideas for having fun together as a family. She currently visits almost 200 blogs a week and truly enjoys connecting with others and sharing what God is teaching her in the areas of mothering, parenting, discipleship, and marriage.
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