For this Family Fun Friday I decided to highlight my favorite idea from last week. I’m not as organized as I’d like to be and I picked this one because I get all excited about implementing it in other ways too. I have a calendar on my wall that would be just perfect for doing this and all I would just have to do is just slip a little piece of paper into the slots with ideas for family fun as the month progresses.
Wanna know my favorite idea? Heather at “Our Cultivated Life” shared how she plans her Christmas countdown by hanging numbered envelopes (1-25) on her Christmas Tree. In each of the envelopes she placed an activity for her family to do that was Christmas related. Her children open an envelope and voila – Christmas fun! They read a story, or watch a movie… read the whole post here to enjoy all her great ideas: Our Cultivated Life.
Next month is Nugget’s birthday and I thought, why not countdown once a week with some family fun ideas till his birthday? Read a birthday book, look at baby pictures, sing a song with his name in it? You get the idea. 🙂
For my blogging friends, as announced in Announcing Family Fun Friday Link Up Party, if you’re reading this post and would like to win, add your link below in the link tool. If you link up, you permit me to use your pictures/ideas as part of future posts. I would like your best ideas for family fun – you can cook together, travel, craft, create, paint, color, watch a show – give me your best ideas on ways to have fun with your family. I will also accept stories about family traditions. Your story just has to be from your blog – it doesn’t have to be recent. If you’re going to blog it may as well blog for free jewelry!
It’s just my way of meeting new bloggers and building community on the topic of having fun with our families. I pray you’ll join us every Friday for Family Fun Friday and I’ll keep giving away jewelry till it’s all gone (I have about 30 pieces). I will add my favorites from your posts to my Pintrest board to showcase your ideas. Thanks for linking with me here at Happy and Blessed Home.
My rules for linking are simple:
- You can link as many posts as you want as long as they are fun for families to do.
- As a courtesy please visit at least one other blogger and the one who posted before you and leave a comment. Bloggers love comments!
I pinned all the posts from last week so there is a good chance I’ll do it again. I thought all the ideas were wonderful.
I pray you are blessed by this effort to share ideas on having Family Fun.
In His Grip,
To leave a comment on any post, click the headline of the post and it will take you to a page where you can leave a comment at the bottom of the post. If you like my blog please like my Facebook page at: HappyAndBlessedHome – thanks so much!
P.S. Bloggers – if you share my “Free Ideas for Family Fun” button (see below) on your blog send me a link in the comments or contact me via my “contact me” page and I’ll give you five extra entires. If the one below does not work try the one on my sidebar (I recommend retyping the quotes in the code too). To make it easier I plan to run the contest when I have 25 link ups instead of 50. I want someone to win sooner than later! 🙂

It’s Family Fun Friday Link up time again. See the list below to add your link with your family fun ideas.
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