Would you like FREE tips on family fun, recipes and printables? You won’t want to miss Family Fun Friday – a source of mommy solutions for moms everywhere ranging from cooking in the kitchen to frugal family fun. And this week I have a FREE 8×8 photo book from Shutterfly (read below). If you enjoy the features on Family Fun Friday please leave me a comment, just click “read more” and you’ll be taken to a page that accepts comments.
If you’re a mom keep reading because we have some wonderful fun ideas to inspire you with your little ones and family. My blogging friends are linking up craft ideas, fun in the kitchen, preschool & homeschool ideas, and ways to spend time as a family.
My blog is growing but I need your help, please like my facebook page and help spread the word about HappyandBlessedHome.com. Thanks so much. If you Pin the lists buttons on Pinterest you’ll help this blogging party grow!
This week I featured some wise mentoring advice from my friend Renee Gotcher. Renee took the time to answer my Three gut-wrenching questions about Preschool. She also made me aware of some fabulous resources to help me create personal time for myself as a mom AND time with my spouse that is not centered on talk about the kids. Author Heidi St. John has written two great books, The Busy Homeschool Mom’s Guide to Daylight and The Busy Homeschool Mom’s Guide to Romance, that are tremendous resources in this area. Click the link to read more.
FREE Alert! And just this morning I was notified of a FREE 8 x 8 photo book offer from Shutterfly – good through 9/11/2013. You can order an 8 x 8 book or use the value ($23.99) towards a larger book if you like. I use Shutterfly for my prints and I’ve ordered books before and I love their products. This is an affiliate link. I’ve included Shutterfly’s fine print for this offer at the bottom of this post* The coupon code is: SUMMERBOOK
Thanks to all my blogging friends for linking up last week at Family Fun Friday. I have a special YouTube Video for you at Thank You All My Blogging Friends! So many great ideas, crafts and things to do! If you link up, you permit me to use your pictures/ideas as part of future posts and/or social media.
Now on to some fabulous posts for moms.
Featured Bloggers:
Family Fun
Sigh. You all touched my heart with wanting to savor every moment this fall. Thank you. Some beautiful posts by some beautiful bloggers.
- Paula at Beauty Through Imperfection shared a touching post about forgiveness through the eyes of her two-year-old son. Her post Important Life Lessons from my 2 Year Old is a great reminder of how sometimes our little ones make the best teachers.
- Nan over at Mum’s the Word shared a post that really made me think about how fast my boys are already growing up. Her post Let them Grow helps to remind me that I will grow as my children grow and that ultimately I have to trust the Lord with them as they emerge from under my wings.
- Rach from Diamonds in the Rough writes about the fact that time stands still for no one in her post What Experienced Mamas Already Know. Thanks Rach for the gentle reminder to be ever mindful of our time and to spend it with family.
- On a fun note, I think you’ll enjoy this Fall Bucket List created by Gina at Klienworth and Co. Thanks Gina – you are so creative! Some fabulous fun ideas on her list.
- Alice over at Mums Make Lists shared some great Exercise Tips which include strollers with littles – a great way to spend time with family.
- I enjoyed decorating my first-born son’s nursery with his grandparents and this post 12 Essential Tips for Designing a Nursery brought back memories. This post is also from Mums Make Lists.
I can’t believe all the wonderful dishes that you all link up! You are so talented in the kitchen. If you’re reading this blog I hope these posts inspire you.
- Gina is so talented that she has actually thought of creating a cookbook dedicated entirely to doughnuts. After you see her Blueberry Pie Doughnuts I think you’ll understand why. Ahhhmazing Gina!
- Connie at Family Home and Life did a round-up of 8 Great Grilled Dishes – perfect for those last few days of summer – and football season is in the air… Thanks Connie!
- Nicole shared a “cherry-pie” filled Earthquake Cake that looks so delicious. She blogs at 365ish Days of Pinterest.
- Jenn from We Do Fun Here made an awesome appetizer Guacamole Bruschetta – pair that with a butter topped steak from Connie’s list above and I think your guests will never leave your dinner-table!
- To balance out these decadent dishes I’m rounding out these stellar recipes with this Grilled White Nectarine Salad with Goat Cheese by Jodie Fitz. Thanks Jodie for a healthy and colorful addition to any dinner menu.
So many great and wonderful ideas for teaching young children. Enjoy these posts by some wonderful bloggers.
- Angela over at Teaching Mama shared a wonderful post with some Encouragement for the Homeschooling Mama. Muah! Angela – thank you.
- Check out these FREE printable Alphabet Letter Learning worksheets by Lisa over at Sweet Benanna Sam. Cute Lisa!
- Jen over at Confident in Grace shared a wonderful article on being Patient with Preschoolers that I recommend.
- And Anna over at The Measured Mom does it again with her post Back to School – Emergent Readers. If you have a child learning to read I highly recommend Anna’s blog.
- Women Abiding shared an adorable Morning Routine Chart that is a FREE printable.
- And Buggy and Buddy shared an adorable Peek-A-Boo Farm Animals activity – free printable.
Thanks again for all your wonderful ideas! I hope these Family Friendly and Fun ideas inspire you.
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I pray you are blessed by this effort to share ideas on having Family Fun.
In His Grip,
To leave a comment on any post, click “read more”. If you like my blog please like my Facebook page at: HappyAndBlessedHome – thanks so much!
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P.S. Bloggers – If you’ve been featured and would like to add a button to show off how awesome you are, just grab the code in the text box below. You’ll want to retype the quotes too if you’re having trouble getting it to show on your page. 😉
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Shutterfly Fine Print:
*Offer expires September 11, 2013 (11:59 P.M. PT). Offer is good for one free 20-page 8×8 hard photo cover photo book through shutterfly.com or the Shutterfly Photo Story app for iPad. Offer cannot be redeemed more than once per account and/or billing address. Taxes, shipping, and handling will apply. Customer may add options to their 8×8 book (extra pages, cover options, layflat pages, Storytelling styles, memorabilia pockets, etc.) at additional cost. Alternatively, customer may apply the “Offer Value” of $23.99 — the current price of a 20-page 8×8 hard photo cover photo book — toward the purchase of any larger photo book. Not valid on 5×7, 7×9, 8×8 soft cover, or 8×11 soft cover photo books, prepaid plans, other products, or prior purchases.