We celebrated our five year anniversary this weekend. 🙂 Hard to believe it’s been five years! It seems like yesterday in some ways, and then I look at our little ones and realize it has been a journey. These years are amazing in so many ways and we’re so thankful to watch them grow. At the same time we look forward to the time when they can go on trips with us, or backpacking or hiking. Right now we are in a season when our marriage takes somewhat of a backseat to raising these little ones. Especially with the youngest being only a few weeks old. But we are thankful just the same. Thanks to my mom being here we were able to get away to a bed and breakfast and spend some time relaxing and walking around a little town complete with shops and restaurants and coffee. The sun was bright and beaming and we just enjoyed time outside and time with each other. What a blessing it is to be married to my best friend and a wonderful father to our children. God is so good.
About MPruett
I'm passionate about enriching children's lives and bringing families together. HappyandBlessedHome.com is a website dedicated to offering encouragement for moms, preschool tools, free printables, easy recipes, party plans, home care tips, and ideas for family fun. You can find me on Twitter @MonicaPruett, on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/HappyAndBlessedHome/, or on Pinterest at: https://www.pinterest.com/happyblesshome/. I look forward to "seeing" you online.