Newborn Sleep
Our newborn is sleeping well and nursing nicely. Our eldest is finally over scarlet fever and my husband and I are both relieved. Our biggest challenge these days is getting enough sleep as parents. I am blessed to have married a wonderful man who not only helps with taking care of the boys, he helps with upkeep at home too. He is home for three weeks helping me adjust to having two boys at home and his help has been so valuable as I am still not at 100% since the delivery.
My free time is pretty limited with two boys to keep on schedule for feedings and nap time. One of the tools I am using to try and establish a routine for our newborn is a book called “Baby Wise”. Several of our friends who are parents highly recommended the book to us and with the advice contained within the book I was able to get our first-born son sleeping through the night after four months. We use a slightly modified version of what is suggested in the book in that we are more flexible with our schedule, but overall I believe the most important thing when dealing with infants and young children is to establish a routine that helps them to feel secure and know what to expect next. It makes for happier children and thus a happier mommy.
Psalm 127:2, New International Version (NIV)
… for he grants sleep to those he loves.
I pray you are enjoying some blessed quietness.
In His Grip,
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