So exciting! Courtney Joseph has written a new book – “Women Living Well: Find Your Joy in God, Your Man, Your Kids, and Your Home
” and I’m a part of the launch team! I got a preview of the book and let me just say I am impressed. In three weeks it will hit bookstore shelves.
Even more exciting – if you purchase a pre-print copy of Women Living Well: Find Your Joy in God, Your Man, Your Kids, and Your Home
you’ll receive 10 FREE eBooks along with the hard copy of Women Living Well.
If you purchase ONE copy of the book before September 30th, you will receive FREE the following 10-eBook bundle!
1. Honoring the Rhythm of Rest by Daniele Evans at
2. Hope for the Weary Mom by Stacey Thacker and Brooke McGlothlin at
3. Take Courage (brand new release) by Jennifer Ebenhack at
4. Time Management 101 by Crystal Paine at MoneySavingMom
5. Taking Joy to Heart by Sally Clarkson at
6. Outside the Zone by Rachel Wojnarowski at
7. Single Girl by Ashley Schnarr at
8. Healthy Ice Pops and Frozen Treats by Kelly Smith at
9. The Proverbs 31 Woman – One Virtue At a Time by (me) Courtney Joseph
10. A Companion Study Guide to the book Women Living Well- this can be used for your own individual study or grab a group of friends and use it as a group discussion guide!!!
In order to receive your FREE eBook bundle simply email a copy of your receipt to Put in the subject “One book purchased”. They will send you, via email, your free eBook bundle!!!
If you’d like to pre-order a copy of Women Living Well: Find Your Joy in God, Your Man, Your Kids, and Your Home, here is a link to the print version – the version you’ll need to order for the freebies.
Just for some insight, here are my take-aways from the book:
What I truly appreciate is that Courtney Joseph took the time to not only minister to me as a woman and mom but that she actually took the time to write down how she does it. I love the imagery of her prayer walk and the way she uses colored pencils for her bible. I became a believer at about 29 years of age and with such a late start I lack some of the basics that someone raised with Courtney’s background would have.
I’ve facilitated women’s studies for over ten years now and have been exposed to different types of bible study techniques but I think it’s the way that Courtney Joseph explains it that helps bring it to life.
I’m in that stage right now with a three year old and a one year old and I know I need to carve out alone time with God but just as she describes it’s so hard not to be distracted by my to-do list, my computer, the needs of my family or other things. I need the “How-to” just as she detailed it – I need that advice so I can build it into my life too. I’ve already placed my big bible right next to my computer!
I truly appreciate Courtney’s courage – stepping out and giving a mom like me a peek into her life. I need the honesty that she shares – her struggles and her successes. It’s a breath of fresh air.
I’ve reviewed the key points of the entire book and I look forward to in-depth study in the coming weeks. I think any woman who reads this book will benefit. If you struggle for a mentor mom, a woman who will pour into your life you need to get this book. Courtney doesn’t hold anything back, I feel as though her fingertips come through the pages, touch my hands, and encourage me to press on.
Be encouraged my mom friends, we can set a trajectory of good things for our little ones by banding together, encouraging one another, and coming together in prayer and worship. As Courtney says – Walk with the King!
In His Grip,
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